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Nunavut – Tranches d’imposition, taux et crédits d’impôt territoriaux

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TurboImpôt Canada

15 août, 2022   |  2 min. pour lire

Année d'imposition 2023

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Meaning our land” in Inuktitut, the language of the Inuit, Nunavut is the largest, most northern part of Canada but the least populated than any other province or territory. With only 39,589 residents, they have over 1,877,787 km2 to share.

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Key Takeaways

  • Nunavut uses a progressive tax structure and has four different tax brackets.
  • The federal basic personal amount (BPA) is $15,000 and Nunavut’s amount is $17,925
  • Review the province’s credits to ensure you don’t miss something you may be entitled to.

Tax Rate

Tax Bracket

Taxable Annual Income


 on the first $47,862



 on the next $47,862

 over $47,862 up to $95,724


 on the next $59,901

 over $95,724 up to $155,625


 on the portion over $155,625

 over $155,625

For 2021 tax rates, review this link from the Canadian government

Nunavut’s progressive tax rate structure

As with most provinces, Nunavut uses a progressive tax structure and has four different tax brackets. Nunavut applies the lowest tax rates in the country, and the brackets increase each year based on inflation. Visit Nunavut’s personal income tax page for this year’s tax bracket rates.

There’s an allowable amount of income that you can earn before you must start paying taxes. That is called the “basic personal amount” or “BPA”. For the 2022 tax year, the federal BPA amount is  $15,000 and Nunavut’s amount is $17,925. 

Nunavut has a tax system similar to other Canadian provinces. Many of the provincial taxes and credits for residents of Nunavut complement similar credits at the federal level, but there are some unique credits for residents of Nunavut.

Nunavut’s provincial tax credits

  • Nunavut cost of living tax credit: Residents can claim a refundable tax credit of up to $1,200 to offset the high cost of living in Nunavut. 
  • Cost-of-living supplement for single parents: Single parents with more than $60,000 in adjusted net income can claim a refundable tax credit. More information on applying for and receiving this credit can be found here.
  • Volunteer firefighters tax credit: If you volunteered at least 200 hours of community service, you may be eligible for this credit.
  • Education and textbook tax credits: Post-secondary students, full or part-time, can deduct this credit. Review this link from the territorial government of Nunavut for more information.

A complete list of non-refundable tax credits and other credits or deductions for Nunavut residents can be found at the following CRA link: Nunavut tax and credits.

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