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Saskatchewan – Tranches d’imposition, taux et crédits d’impôt

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TurboImpôt Canada

15 août, 2022 |  3 min. pour lire

Année d'imposition 2023

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You probably know Saskatchewan is well known for its wheat exports. But did you know it’s also where the first ATM machines were made and used in Canada?

As with most provinces, Saskatchewan uses a progressive tax structure with only three tax brackets. The brackets increase each year based on inflation. Visit Saskatchewan’s income tax rates page for this year’s tax bracket rates.

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Key Takeaways

  • Saskatchewan uses a progressive tax structure with only three tax brackets. The brackets increase each year based on inflation.
  • Your taxable income represents your total income minus federal deductions like the RRSP deduction and child care expenses.
  • There are many unique credits for residents of Saskatchewan.

Saskatchewan’s tax brackets for Tax Year 2023

Tax Rate Tax Brackets Taxable Income
10.5% on the first $49,720 $49,720
12.5% on the next $92,388  $49,721up to $142,058
14.5% on the portion over $142,058 over $142,058

For 2022 tax rates, review this link from the Canadian Government.

How Saskatchewan’s tax brackets work

Under the current tax on income method, tax for all provinces (except Québec) and territories is calculated the same way as federal tax. Form SK428 is used to calculate this provincial or territorial tax, as well as non-refundable tax credits.

Your taxable income represents your total income minus federal deductions like the RRSP deduction and childcare expenses. Like its name implies, it’s the amount on which you pay income tax.

There’s an allowable amount of income that you can earn before you must start paying taxes. That is called the “basic personal amount” or “BPA.” For the 2023 tax year, the federal basic personal amount (BPA) is $15,000, while the Saskatchewan BPA amount is $17,661.

Saskatchewan has a tax system similar to other Canadian provinces. Many of the provincial taxes and credits for residents of Saskatchewan complement similar credits at the federal level, but there are many unique credits for residents of Saskatchewan.

Saskatchewan’s provincial tax credits and deductions

A complete list of non-refundable tax credits and other credits or deductions for Saskatchewan residents can be found in this CRA link: Saskatchewan tax and credits.

For federal rates, review the following TurboTax article – Canada’s federal personal income tax brackets and tax rates.

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